Big News
- 2020: Ngan Nguyen graduated from our PhD program, which was also joint-hosted at JAXA in Tokyo.
- 2019: Shohei Ishiki graduated from our PhD program and moves on to a position at Bridgestone.
- 2018: Hikari Shirakata graduated from our PhD program, she will soon start a position at The Technical Research Center, Tadano Ltd.
- 2017: Kazuhiro Shima graduated from our PhD program and will take up a postdoctoral researcher position at the Kyoto theoretical astrophysics group.
- 2016: Yusuke Fujimoto graduated from our PhD program and will soon take up a postdoc position at ANU in Canberra.
- 2016: Elizabeth Tasker has moved to JAXA in Tokyo.
- 2016: Alex Pettitt has been made an Assistant Professor in the group, in a post joint-hosted by the Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education.
Regular Events
Activities that happen regularly in the group
- Thursday 10:30 am: Group Journal Club (Alternate weeks)
- Sci-Tech talks in English (randomly placed through the year)
Upcoming special events
Something slightly less regular
Event Information:
木2910月2015金3010月20151:00 pm5-302
[ワークショップ] Triggering Star Formation with Cloud Collisions
A mini-workshop with Nagoya University discussing observational and theoretical evidence for collisions between star-forming cloud triggering star formation in the galaxy.
Hosted meetings
Past workshops and meeting hosted in the department
- Annual meeting of Astronomical Society of Japan
September 11th-13th, 2017
National meeting of the Astronomical Society of Japan, with talks from a wide range of disciplines over three days.
- Annual meeting of Astronomical Society of Japan
- The Impact of Galactic Structure on Star Formation
February 16th-21st, 2014
Hokkaido hosted an international conference focussed on how the galaxy morphology and evolution can impact its resultant star formation.
- The Impact of Galactic Structure on Star Formation
- NAOJ Workshop, 2013
January 26th-28th, 2013
Hokkaido hosted an NAOJ workshop focussing on science with ALMA in celebration of Asao Habe’s 60th birthday. (Website in Japanese only)
- NAOJ Workshop, 2013
- The Enzo User Workshop, 2012
May 17th-18th, 2012
A Hokkaido hosted workshop for new users for the astrophysical, hydrodynamics code, Enzo.
- The Enzo User Workshop, 2012