First off, mpi4py
Modelled as a hierarchy of (MPI) Communicators
Make it simple to pop communicators on/off a stack
Provide collective operations on Python dicts, numpy arrays, values
all_objects = range[10] for obj in parallel_objects(all_objects): print rank, obj
% mpirun -np 4 python --parallel yt : [INFO ] 2014-02-20 20:54:02,602 Global parallel computation enabled: 1 / 4 yt : [INFO ] 2014-02-20 20:54:02,602 Global parallel computation enabled: 3 / 4 yt : [INFO ] 2014-02-20 20:54:02,602 Global parallel computation enabled: 0 / 4 yt : [INFO ] 2014-02-20 20:54:02,604 Global parallel computation enabled: 2 / 4 1 1 1 5 1 9 2 2 2 6 3 3 3 7 0 0 0 4 0 8
num_i_did = 0 all_objects = range(10) for obj in parallel_objects(all_objects, dynamic=True): num_i_did += 1 time.sleep(np.random.random()) print rank, 'did', num_i_did
2 did 5 1 did 2 0 did 0 3 did 3
my_storage = {} for sto, obj in parallel_objects(all_objects, storage=my_storage): sto.result = "My sweet result %f" % np.random.random() if rank == 0: for k,v in my_storage.iteritems(): print k, v
0 My sweet result 0.740464 1 My sweet result 0.702325 2 My sweet result 0.426925 3 My sweet result 0.187383 4 My sweet result 0.416627 5 My sweet result 0.545196 6 My sweet result 0.495298 7 My sweet result 0.157545 8 My sweet result 0.426106 9 My sweet result 0.432309
Old Method:
Serial IDL scripts (only one license) to make 500 Frame movie. ~hours
New Method:
to farm out to empty cores on local cluster ~hours/N
Get Things Done
from yt.mods import * # Load Data pf = load('/home/skillman/kipac/data/enzo_cosmology_plus/DD0046/DD0046') # Create a sphere with radius = 1/2 domain width sp = pf.h.sphere(pf.domain_center, pf.domain_width[0]/2.) # Calculate the average temperature avg_T = sp.quantities['WeightedAverageQuantity']('Temperature', 'Density') print avg_T
% mpirun -np 4 python --parallel 5435354.41045 5435354.41045 5435354.41045 5435354.41045
Projections (Parallel Quad-Tree)
Slices (Slice Plots)
Cutting planes (oblique slices) (Off Axis Slice Plots)
Derived Quantities (total mass, angular momentum, etc) (Creating Derived Quantities, Processing Objects: Derived Quantities)
1-, 2-, and 3-D profiles (Profiles and Histograms)
Halo finding (Halo Finding)
Merger tree (Halo Merger Tree)
Two point functions (Two Point Functions)
Volume rendering (Volume Rendering)
Radial column density (Radial Column Density)
Isocontours & flux calculations (Extracting Isocontour Information)
Domain Decomposition (MPI)
Image Plane Decomposition (MPI)
Pixel Paralellization (OpenMP)
Parallel AMR kd-tree Domain Decomposition
level # grids # cells # cells^3
0 512 1073741824 1023
1 39444 571962944 830
2 2736 21966136 280
3 683 5150000 172
4 292 2088144 127
43667 1674909048
This frame may not show up.